Friday, September 16, 2011

biscuits for brunch

It may seem that I have exhausted the topic of our new table but I have one more note to make about it. Since we have had it up I have made more meals from scratch in a row than ever before. I'm sure that it also has something to do with a combination of things, not the least being the wonderful chill fall-like weather we have been enjoying this week. Also it's possible that the influence of feeding my boy well and finally having stocked my kitchen with good basics from which these meals can be made has encouraged me but I would still like to lay the majority of the reason with the table. Not that I have never made meals from scratch and not that I haven't had a table before but I feel as though, all other factors being present, the table (and my excitement surrounding it) has been the deciding factor in our new meal menus. However it has come about no one has complained yet. We'll see how long it lasts.

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