Monday, January 28, 2013


I realize that it's been a while since I've written about the latest developments of my boys. I think the last update of this kind I wrote right before giving birth (I think the day of). So here are a few things that the boys are doing now that are enough to melt any heart (at least in my opinion) and that I will appreciate remembering in the future.
Logan is a wonderful big brother. He has very little problem with sharing his blankies with Walter - even voluntarily removing some from his bed to give to Walter in case Walter's feeling cold. There have been a few times when he's asked Walter to share the blankie, too, but I don't mind giving it up and getting another one for Walter because sharing ought to be a two-way street. I'm really happy that I have so many receiving blankets so there are plenty to go 'round. Logan's speaking so much more the past few months. He is still only forming simple sentences but his vocabulary is extensive. At times he fills in the articles and other extraneous words with a repeating sound that he places between the nouns and verbs. So the string is structured as a sentence but only with the necessary words pronounced. For the past month or so (at least, perhaps longer) Logan counts saying: "one...three...nine...ten...". He knows other numbers, recognizes the numerals 1, 4, 5, and calls the 3 'eight' (a similar shape) but always returns to this when counting to himself. He also knows and can name most of the colours, the basic shapes, a few letters, and can almost spell his name.
Walter is such a sociable baby. I saw his first smile only a week or two after his birth and within a month he was defying convention by smiling at people (especially his daddy) and cooing quickly followed (along with aspirated sounds that are freakishly close to 'hi'). I have a sneaking suspicion that he is an extrovert. The few times we have been out with piles of people he has been happy and alert (not to mention charming) the entire time. Not that he isn't happy, alert, and charming when it's just us at home but it's a little unusual for a baby to be quite so consistently content in a crowd. He's growing extremely quickly and I've had to pack away a couple boxes of clothes that he's outgrown (half of which before he had a chance to wear them). He's just over fourteen pounds and turned two months yesterday. But he's not just chubby - part of the reason he's outgrown these clothes is because they don't fit length-wise. Although he's fairly hefty, he's also fairly strong and has held his own head up from the start - no mean feat with the size of his cheeks and chins (although perhaps the chins help support the head and the cheeks act as ballast...).
I love comparing the two and I'm not worried about either losing by comparison. They are different and I love them differently. As Mom said, we love each child with our whole heart but not the same way. They are different and it would be impossible to love them exactly the same. Love doesn't follow the rules of mathematics.

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