Sunday, December 22, 2013

Snow time

It seems as though for the past few weeks we haven't had a day without snow. This is fine but it leaves us father-less for longer than we are used to. It's made me realize just how much I have come to rely on the time each day when Daddy comes home and takes over care of the boys (and often makes supper...I know, I am spoiled). I don't even have to get things done during this time, sometimes I just need to sit and check the internet but it gives me a break. I feel like these days when Daddy doesn't come home sometimes until after the boys are in bed, that the boys tend to be harder to deal with. This is likely partially due to the change in routine and the fact that they miss their Dad but I am convinced more and more that it's most directly influenced by the fact that I tend to be less patient and loving in my interactions with them when I don't have my husband around and don't get that break. Yes, children are born with the ability and desire to disobey or have their own way but the more I deal with my boys and try to help them grow and learn, the more I realize that the tone of the household is often set directly by me. Days that I am impatient and grumpy often see the boys turn sullen and disobedient. I want my husband back! But, perhaps I should think more about keeping my attitude positive until the snow decides to let up (oh, and please don't snow over Christmas!!).

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