Wednesday, April 01, 2015

bran crackers

There are so many things I have been thinking of writing on here recently but I haven't made the time for it. So for now I'll just record a small incident with my four-year-old for the sake of posterity. He has become fairly picky with what he eats in the past year or so. The issues are usually to do with texture or difficulty with chewing. We were at my mom's last week for a visit. When he passed over the freshly-baked vanilla muffins we were fairly surprised but not as much as when he asked to have a bran cracker. Mom had been given a package but we were having a hard time eating them. They tasted like a handful of bran directly converted to a crisp wafer. So when he asked for one I said he probably wouldn't like them but he could try. He was up for it so, amid doubt, I passed him a corner to chew on. His face lit up: "I do like them!" I couldn't help but disbelievingly reply "Really?!" To which he assured me, "Yes, yes I do like them; they taste like chicken coop!"

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