Tuesday, April 23, 2013

"Logan do it!"

If I had a quarter for every time I heard that I'd be set for change. We've started a stage of broader independence these past few days. I also hear, less frequently, "Logan's turn". I've always tried to be fairly hands-off as he develops and only help to help, rather than to do it for him but apparently even my little helpfulness is a little too much sometimes! It's neat to see him developing. I found he's made several leaps ahead at the park in particular. I think this jump in development is intensified by the fact that we've only just begun to play at the park again after a winter's hiatus. So what he was able to do four to six months ago suddenly is outstripped. Some new accomplishments he thought to try himself but I also notice him watching older children and then attempting to do what they can do. Often he can do it and afterwards his grin of triumph seems to light up the whole park (at least from my seat in the stands). I know it's part of growing up but it's a little bittersweet to see how he is imitating his peers more and seems no longer to need me. But then I watch as he tries to climb the ladder to the slide. He slips but doesn't cry. Thinking no one notices, he continues and reaching the top he tremblingly calls for me. I'm already there and my presence gives him the confidence to go down the big slide. He never cried from his fall and I don't mention it but we have a big long squishy hug once he's down and he's restored to confidence once again as he re-ascends the ladder. So I turn to take pictures of my baby in the swing for the first time...

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