Monday, June 12, 2006

weeding song

One of the Psalms from The Book of Psalms for Singing (which we use for a Psalter in our Congregation) that is a favourite of my Mom's while weeding/gardening is Psalm 92C. The third stanza (verses 7 & 8 of the Pslam) of which is:

Though sinners grow like weeds, Ill-doers blossom may,
They're doomed to be destroyed. You LORD, exalted stay.
LORD, Your foes fall.
See! How Your foes, vain evil men, are scattered all!

As you can see, it is a triumphant song (with good music too) and wonderful to sing while knocking down weeds "they're doomed to be DESTROYED..."!

For the flip-side of this idea, the fifth (and final) stanza (verses 13-15) is:
Those planted by the LORD Shall in God's courts be see;
When old they'll still bear fruit and flourish fresh and green,
And loud proclaim
How upright is the LORD, my Rock; No wrong in Him!

What a beautiful picture of growth this gives. How encouraging to the gardener and saint to be able to proclaim this!

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