Tuesday, September 04, 2007

The Secret Mountain

I was able to re-live a fun part of my childhood over the weekend when we read aloud The Secret Mountain by Enid Blyton. When I was younger I loved her books and read (and re-read) as many as I could get my hands on. I don't know how well known Enid Blyton is in Canada since she was a children's author in Britain probably fifty years ago but in our many treasure hunts through second-hand bookstore Mom and I have been able over the years to come up with quite a collection of the different series she wrote. Although most of the books are rather predictable, formulaic and cheesey, I always love returning to some of my favourite childhood companions. The books may not be intellectually stimulating but they always come out right in the end, they always present loveable characters and I know that when I have children I shall be very happy if they choose to spend their afternoons in the company of these fictional characters and maybe learn a few lessons unconsciously while enjoying following along in the thrilling adventures and mysteries found in the books just as I did.

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