Friday, March 11, 2011

water water everywhere

Yesterday he was out at 4AM to plow snow and today he's out cleaning up leaking basements. Spring weather. One nice thing (for me) about his heading out so early to plow was that he was back around supper time and we got to spend the evening together. Not the best for his schedule, however. Speaking of leaking basements, though, ours has leaked again. I tried to mop up a bunch yesterday when he was out but it was coming in so steadily that I really only gave the wall a respite while I wrung out towel after towel until the little guy woke up again... On the positive side, the leak is in our bathroom so it's a room already prepared to deal with some extra water. The less-positive side is that it's destroying the wall beneath the window which we had just fixed before moving in here. So now the one room that was pretty much set up the way I liked will now require another overhaul. Oh well. Maybe this whole exercise is teaching me to let go of what I think to be necessary for happiness. I still love my life even though this place is a bit of a wreck. And there's never a dull moment! Wahoo!

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