Monday, November 07, 2011

knight errant

We have had an incredible Autumn weather-wise with plenty of sunshine and highs almost doubling seasonal averages. Despite being sick we've been attempting to take advantage of the weather as much as possible. It would be much easier had we our own yard but making do with what is available is part of what makes life interesting, I believe. So we go for walks to the park or visit friends with yards of their own. Over all we've been able to enjoy quite our share of fresh air.
We were passed this sweater (and vest) and I love the colour combination. In these pictures the line in the knitting and the shape against his head reminds me of a suit of mail. A knight in training, I suppose.
The past couple days I have noticed a change in how he walks, too. For several months, now, he has been cruising from object to object but just these past two days he has been consistently letting go of one hand-hold before taking a step towards the next spot. He also was holding a stick while we were outside yesterday and took a couple steps with it (not holding anything else). He knows how to walk it'll just take a bit more confidence, I think. Then, look out!

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