Tuesday, November 27, 2007


I was part of a discussion this evening concerning dealing with the blessing of wealth in relation to living out the Christian life. It touched on many aspects of the issue but the one I have been thinking of in the aftermath is the false sense of security attached to seeming financial stability. It was agreed that we tend to trust and rely on wealth rather than the Lord for our security. But however much this may apply to my life I have concluded that I view my family (close and extended) as a greater blessing and source of security than money. I would be much more destitute losing or being alienated from them than losing all my money. However much this may seem a better prop than money, I belive relying on it in this way rather than on God brings out similar pitfalls. I find a the idea in the movie the Net where Sandra Bullock has her identity stolen and has no relatives who are able to confirm who she is much more terrifying than that of going broke. Perhaps it has to do with the fact that I know as long as I have relative I will never be homeless. So perhaps it still is indirectly linked to the money issue (only in a more communal way).

The issue of making enough money to afford a good old-age home was surprising for me and thinking of it now, I don't directly know of any relatives who have gone to a home. I think in part it is because my family tends to be healty and then die rather suddenly (another blessing, I guess) and those who need care are usually taken care of at the home of a relative. It sounds like our family is a little anomalous in this way. There are so many facets to the issue that it is hard to come to any definitive answer but I suppose at least one thought I can take from it is that my family is a huge blessing.

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